The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Analysis with the title: “On the DiPerna-Majda gap problem for 2D Euler equations”. Óscar Domínguez Bonilla (UNEF University-Madrid, Spain) is the speaker.
Abstract: A famous result of Delort (1991) establishes the concentration-cancellation phenomenon for approximating solutions of 2D Euler equations with a vortex sheet whose vorticity maximal function has a log-decay of order 1/2 . On the other hand, DiPerna and Majda (1987) showed that if the log-decay assumption is strictly larger than 1 then the lack of concentration (and hence energy conservation) holds. Then the so-called DiPerna-Majda gap problem asks: concentration-cancellation vs. energy conservation in the remaining log-range (1/2,1]?
In this talk, after reviewing earlier contributions to the DiPerna-Majda gap problem, I will present a new approach to this question based on sparseness. This is based on joint projects with Mario Milman and Daniel Spector. The talk will be self-contained, and no additional prerequisites are needed.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, at 14:15.
Location: Room 1.6, building VII.