



[NOVA Math] Seminar of Analysis


The Center of Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math), promote the Seminar of Analysis with the title: “Leading Eigenvector Dynamics in Brain Signals”. Joana Ribeiro Barbosa Cabral (University of Minho, Portugal) is the speaker.


Abstract: Brain activity at rest exhibits the temporary formation of macroscale activity patterns, during which the signals in distinct brain areas co-fluctuate together forming coupling modes with functional relevance. These patterns are consistently detected in human resting-state fMRI and appear altered in a wide range of psychiatric conditions, pointing to close relation with brain function.
Among the diversity of analysis methods to quantify the expression of these patterns and evaluate differences between conditions, a particular algorithm, termed Leading Eigenvector Dynamics Analysis (LEiDA) is demonstrating growing potential given its remarkable sensitivity and demonstrated replicability, capturing alterations between psychiatric, pharmacological, psychological and even task conditions. 
In my talk, I will explain the foundations of the LEiDA algorithm and provide an overview of its applications. Finally, I will share the controversial insights that LEiDA is revealing into brain activity, provoking a paradigm shift in our understanding of brain function.


Wednesday, 29 May 2024, from 14:15 to 15:15.